1. 齊備產險及人身保險執照 Both property and life insurance certifications are required2. 具線上保險客服經驗者尤佳 Online insurance customer service experience is a plus 3. 具團隊合作精神及人際溝通能力與技巧 Required strong teamwork spirit and cross-functional communication skill. 4. 大專以上學歷。財經相關科系尤佳 Bachelor's Degree is preferred. Relevant major in Banking and Finance is a plus. 5. 具2~3年工作經驗尤佳,不限於正職或打工經驗 2~3-year working experience is a plus .
備註事項:Submit via DBS website will be reviewed first. https://dbs.taleo.net/careersection/dbs_professional_hires_career_section/jobdetail.ftl?job=24000022&lang=zh_TW