Dashfull & Co. retail group operates in Singapore and Taiwan and represents elite, award winning skin care brands. In Taiwan the group is constantly growing and extending its operations in leading department stores.
歷年來獲獎無數: https://www.hermetise.com.tw/ Countless awards over the years:
獲得了卓越獎,並獲得了世界各地的認可。 Many of the group's products won awards of excellence, and are recognized around the world for their effectiveness.
關於死海: 世界最大的天然SPA。The world's largest natural SPA. 紅色的杜氏海藻Dunnaliela是在死海唯一能夠存活下來的生物。The red Dunaliensis is the only surviving creature in the Dead Sea.
關於 Premier Dead Sea: 品牌有25年的歷史.創辦人25年前與美國國家航空航天局NASA合作的一個科學計劃,利用死海礦物質提供保護宇航員的皮膚。科學與自然相結合是Premier的最大優勢。在70個國家有超過700個零售點。獲得許多化妝品行業大獎——包括著名的倫敦化妝品商業創新獎(Cosmetic Business Award for Innovation….)。