台灣百事食品(PepsiCo Foods Taiwan Co., Ltd.)為全球飲料及休閒食品市場的鉅子- 百事國際集團 (PepsiCo International) 台灣分公司,主要為生產及銷售樂事(Lays)、多力多滋(Doritos)、波卡(POCA)及奇多(Cheetos)等休閒零嘴,一直以 創造歡樂、引導流行 做為企業職志。由於公司業績的快速成長,為國內休閒食品銷售的市場領導者,我們隨時歡迎對百事食品有興趣的優秀人才,不必等待職缺空出,請主動將您的資料寄給我們!若有合適的職缺,我們會立即與您聯絡。
These are very exciting times for PepsiCo. With more than 153,000 employees around the world, we are all part of a strong and successful business. And although we are in different divisions and countries, we share a common set of values and goals. We all know that success takes the work of talented and dedicated people who are committed to making an impact every day. Our ability to grow year after year is driven by our ability to attract, develop, and retain world-class people who will thrive in our environment. This is why we are committed to making PepsiCo the best consumer products company in the world in every aspect of our business. PepsiCo - Taste The Success! symbolizes what we stand for as an organization. Our goal is to capture and convey the excitement of being part of a dynamic, results-oriented company, with powerful brands and world class people.
台灣百事食品(PepsiCo Foods Taiwan Co., Ltd.)為全球飲料及休閒食品市場的鉅子- 百事國際集團 (PepsiCo International) 台灣分公司,主要為生產及銷售樂事(Lays)、多力多滋(Doritos)、波卡(POCA)及奇多(Cheetos)等休閒零嘴,一直以 創造歡樂、引導流行 做為企業職志
1. 除勞保及健保外、公司提供完善的團保計劃 2. 業務人員購車無息貸款計劃 3. 員工英語學習補助方案 4. 百事國際經理人員教育及職涯管理資源 5. 百事國際員工股票選擇權 6. 年度健康檢查 7. 績效獎金、退休金 8. 三節禮券、員工旅遊等福委會各類補助 9. 上班五天 10. 員工購買公司產品優惠。