在這狹隘且人口日漸稠密的島國中,要提升人民的生活品質,首重於環保工作的推行。本公司亦全心配合政府相關政策,積極吸收新知、研究開發檢驗技術、提升檢驗室專業的技術能力,並配合相關單位對環境中各種污染模式,以專案方式一系列追蹤檢測,來提供正確的檢測數據,協助各類環保工作的執行,為此檢驗室仍積極籌劃多項認証工作,俾能以更專業且全面性的技術,為環保工作盡一己之力。 Kelee company founded the career in 1993 and it gained the EPA accrediaction in 1994. Besides, Kelee passed the certification of ISO 9001(2000 EDITION) in March, 2001. Kelees service items includes the samping and analyzing of the wasted water, the air quality , soil contents, wasted matters,noise and vibration .....etc.To concern the formosas environment and maintain the qualities of life , kelee does the best in many aspects about technologies.We do hope let the environment well around Taiwan and kelee has just set up the branch office in Taipei and Taichung.