本公司是專業的金屬手工具製造商,專門生產金屬手工具。我們經驗豐富,並有優秀的研發技術、一流的技師,並擁有高科技的生產設備,提供客戶多元而優質的產品與諮詢。本公司重視員工安全、升遷管道順暢,歡迎加入我們的團隊。 本公司成立已有 50 年的歷史,從事手工具的專業生產,客戶遍及歐美日各大主要買主。為 ISO 9001 通過,拿到VPA及VDE License且於國內外享有良好評價之手工具大廠。
Kuang Yuang Industrial Co., Ltd. has been a leading producer of Pliers and Adjustable Wrench for both Industrial and DIY use since 1961. With over fifty years of experience in the Hand Tool field, we have built a solid foundation, and can work with our clients to produce pliers and wrench that fits the needs of the current demand. Our Phylosophy has been consistant, we strive to better ourselves each day, through constant improvement in manufacturing technology and process. Our name is synonimous with quality Hand Tools. Lions ISO 9001 policy and management principle: * We aim to achieve quality assurnace. * We work with our cusotmers to meet their needs * We share our success with our employees * We aim for sustainability Lion team have and will continue to place emphsis on: * Providing Innovative Research & Development * Producing quality * Continual improvement of our excellent products * Maintaining Long term relationship with our customers * Understanding and meeting the needs of customers We pride ourselves in producing tools with strength and durability. We strive to continue in designing, producing, manufacturing innovative handtools that fits the needs of our customers.
致力於手工具之生產、銷售 如扳手, 虎鉗, 夾鉗, 抽水機鉗/管鉗, 電線/電纜剝線鉗, 一般鉗子(鑷子), 鋼絲鉗, 活動扳手等產品及服務
Cutting edge is the soul of pliers. Our advanced harden technology and high power diode Laser hardened cutting edge offers a better hardness performance as well as an upgrade cutting life cycle! The innovative composite workmanship The innovative composite workmanship in the field, Liontools combines the metal and fiberglass successfully. It offers our E. space Wrench a greater torque performance, which is 45% more than ASME, but with super lightweight. To experience less fatigue, more comfort, and more ergonomic gripping feeling, try our new 3rd generation E. space Wrench.
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2. 上班時間:08:00~17:00
3. 休假日同公家機關