經營理念:Long term and partnership「以人為本」與「追求卓越」是本公司企業文化重要精神所在,以人為本在經營理念的表現上是「誠信」與「關懷」,追求卓越在經營理念上的表現則是「創新」與「服務」。
經營項目:本公司主要經營範圍在先進電子與綠能產業的設備與材料,歡迎對自我有高度期許,有志一同,成為本公司幹部進而發展組織的人,加入本公司。 Focus on Electronics market Full range production lines for semiconductors Major Business 1. Air purification system 2. Thin film solar cell material 3.Equipment mechanical parts 4.semicon Unrivaled Non-Contact Surface Metrology tools
We are looking for sales BPT is the agent of Indium Cooperation of America. This job will be related with CIGS thin film solar cell and LED market. If you have the willing to take challenge and self-development to this booming market, BPT welcomes you to come to talk about our business and yourself. http://www.indium.com/ www.bruker.com