

  • 大學 / 工業管理學類

O Huang

Email: O@gmail.com

Cell phone: 0900-000-000


Bachelor of Arts, Supply Chain Management May 0000

O State University, Broad College of Business O O , O‧ Communication Arts Emphasis

‧ Dean’s list: Spring 0000, Spring 0000, Fall 0000

‧ Member, Supply Chain Management Association (SCMA) of O State University

‧ Member, APICS (The Association for Operation Management)

O O University, Political Science Sept 0000 - Dec 0000

O First Girls High School Sept 0000 - June 0000


Sales Administrator (Inside Sales) Sept 0000 - Apr 0000 (Present?)

O Inc.O, Taiwan

‧ Supported Sales to gain more revenue and maintained close relationships with key customers. Ex: O, O, O, O, O

‧ Improved forecast accuracy, kept tracking the achievement rate between FCST and PO, and updated sales and top management on the latest market trends on a weekly basis

‧ Communicated with customers and coordinated with internal departments to solve issues efficiently and provide excellent customer service

Co-Director of Marketing Feb 0000 - May 0000

Broad China Business Society (BCBS) of O State University O O, O‧ Cooperated with the Director of Marketing to plan the annual Greater China Supply Chain Forum which 300 people attended

‧ Brainstormed marketing strategies for public exposure, forum promotion, and ticket sales

Treasurer May 0000 - May 0000

Taiwanese Student Association (TSA) of O State University O O, O

‧ Budgeted TSA revenues and expenses and managed financial statements

‧ Assisted the TSA president in organizing the orientation for incoming Taiwanese students and social networking activities, such as the Lunar New Year Party

‧ Managed an operational account of US$3,000 and approved expenditures


Language: Fluent in English (2010/Dec TOEIC 940) and Chinese Mandarin

Computer: Skilled in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook


I am O Huang, graduated from O State University (O) with a bachelor degree in Supply Chain Management, and with an emphasis on Communication. My high school education was accomplished at O First Girls’ High School. The experience there built my faith in the motto of "never give up,”which has led me to give my full effort in everything I do.

My major, Supply Chain Management in O, is ranked 2nd overall among U.S. university supply chain management programs. Through numerous case study opportunities at school, I was able to become both proactive and flexible in developing logistic strategies. I have also picked up written and oral communication skills and problem solving skills along the way.

My experience working at O has improved my communication and organizational skills. As an Inside Sales, I am in charge of the O, O, O, O, O accounts. My main responsibility is to support Sales to gain more revenue, and maintain close relationships with key customers. Key tasks include effectively handling many requests from customers, writing weekly reports to reflect the latest market trend for Sales and top management, coordinating with CS to fulfill customer production requirements, and improving supply chain performance. What’s more, I am the solution resource-finder for all customer demands, as well as the liaison to coordinate internal departments (ex: PM, QA, MKT, CS) to provide the best customer service and support. As an Inside Sales, I’ve developed great communication and time management skills.

I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow with people from diverse backgrounds. Fluency in English, interpersonal communication skills and self-motivation make me confident and passionate in any situation. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to scheduling an interview with your organization to further discuss the position and my background. I am confident that my experiences and social network will make me a valuable contribution to your company.


  • 南非/Cobus

    Great resume! Very clear, concise and correct – well done! Also – great experience!

    One small thing: On all of your dates, you have a space missing before the hyphen. May 0007- May 0000 – there should be a space after the 7. It’s a small detail, but it’s consistently wrong and creates tiny doubts in a potential employer’s mind that you don’t want create.

    FCST and PO; PM, QA, MKT, CS – depending where you’re applying, the first person to review your resume may not be familiar with abbreviations so try to avoid them if you can.

    If you are still at a company put the date as ‘Present’ as in ‘Sept 0000 – Present’. That indicates you are still employed and employers are much more likely to hire someone who has a job than someone who doesn’t. Showing you still have a job ‘proves’ to them you are employable.

    You mention ‘acquiring the skills … proactive and flexible’ – these are ways of being, not necessarily skills. Also, there were several uses of the word ‘skills’ later so I’ve changed the wording here.

    The weakest part of your materials is a lack of experience. You’ve done a good job of padding by adding experience from school, which helps, and you have strong academic credentials, which also help, but unfortunately an employer will likely look for something a bit “more”. You might want to consider assessing yourself and your attitude and see if you would describe yourself as “highly trainable”. While it’s important to be confident as you’re looking for a job – and you come across as confident, which is great – the danger is that very confident people can sometimes be stubborn and therefore difficult to train. One thing you might ask yourself is whether you’re eager to be trained and to work as part of a team and include this sort of language near the end of your autobiography. By doing that you’re saying to a potential employer “I’m high-quality material and I’m eager to be molded into what you need me to be”.

    Good luck in your job search!
