

  • 大學 / 西班牙語文學類


Personal Information

Name: O, O

Birthday: O Oct. O

Nationality: Taiwanese.

ID No.: 000000000

V-number: - (O residence)

Passport No.: -

Address: Acacia 2O, O Best, the O.

Tel.: +00-0000000

e-mail/msn: O@hotmail.com


O-O: I took some courses to make up master credits in Universidad de Alicante, O.

O-O: Bachelor of Arts in Spanish (O-O OUniversity, Taipei, Taiwan)

(I finished my third year, O-O, at the University of O in O.)


Chinese (Mandarin): Mother tongue.

Chinese (Taiwanese dialect): Mother tongue.

Spanish: Excellent.

English: Excellent.

Professional Experience

In O, from Sept.O: Account Manager for O O in O O. (www.O.nl)

Job description: Due to personal achievements, the company transferred me from O Taiwan to Gigabyte O, with the same responsibilities and duties. However, I am now a senior sales person, responsible for teaching a junior sales person, who takes care of the O O and O regions. I also was given control over the company’s Benelux and Nordics accounts due to my previous successes.

In Taiwan, March O – Aug. O: Account manager for O O and O O at O International ( O Components division, www.gigabyte.com)

Job description: Account Manager for O, O, O, O,O and O O; working closely with distributors; controlling forecast, purchasing, sales and inventory for customers; achieving targets; cost and MDF management. In O I planned the proper transfer of all O customers distribution layers to switch their EXW O shipments to FOB O, which resulted in a smooth and strong increase of turnover for those areas.

In Taiwan, Nov. 20O — Feb. 20O: Account Manager for theO and O O market at O-O Foods Co., Ltd. (www.O.com)

Job description: Account Manager for O, O, OO, O and O. O-O Foods is a well-known Taiwanese confectionary group, which has its own shops, logistics, factories and also an English newspaper, the Taiwan News. (http://www.O-O-O.com/O/O/index.html) My position was to market O-O products in overseas Chinese communities. I also cooperated with big foreign food companies to share international distribution channels, such as O of O, OofO, and others. I received VIPs on visits to O-O factories and installations, such as government officials of Guatemala, El Salvador, and others.

In Taiwan, (Part-time evening work): Nov. 20O — Feb. 20O: Spanish lecturer at the O University inO. (www.O.O.edu.tw)

Job description: Part-time job in the evening, teaching Spanish. (http://www.O.edu.tw/O/index-e.htm) I also designed course schedules for the Spanish department, and pooled the responsibility for purchasing new teaching materials for all the schools in the group.

In Spain, Aug. 200O — Sept. 200O: Chinese lecturer at the National Official Languages School in O. (www.O.com)

Job description: I taught Chinese for 8 hours per week, the rest of time I went to Universidad de Alicante (http://www.O.es/ ) to take courses to make up the Masters degree units.

In O, Dec. 200O — Dec. 200O: Responsible for outsourcing hardware for O O, O.O. (www.O.es)

Job description: O supplies tools, components and chemical products for cars and the industrial sector.O is potentially a stock-listed company; they have branches in O, O, O and O. My position as PM was to look for Chinese suppliers and cost down, arrange shipments, and other duties. (The final cost from china should be 30%-50% lower than local suppliers.) I also travelled often to China for quality control inspections and exhibitions.

In O, April — Oct. O: Interpreter and administrative clerk at a leather company, O, O. O. O (O). (www.O.com)

Job description: Sourcing Chinese suppliers, accountant assistant. Tradelda has a factory in Hungary, which is also a supplier to CAMPER and other famous leather-goods brands.

Personal Skills:

- High channel knowledge. After many years working in the same market in Europe, I have got to know a network of key people, I know the infrastructure and have the skills needed to do successful business in the area.

- Good ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained through my work experience in three different countries: O, Taiwan and the O.

- Good communication skills gained through my experience as Account Manager and Purchaser.

- Leadership: Responsible for a Junior Salesperson in the O office. I instill high self-confidence not only in my team members, but also other people in the department.

- High logistical skills: I have worked both in European and Asian regions. Hands-on experience dealing with warehouses in the O and O O, while the factory provided me with the experience needed in logistics for IT channel business.

- Experience in project management for the different companies I worked for. I had to create, develop and ute different plans and projects to solve different problems, which I accomplished with a high rate of success.

- Attending different exhibitions around the world that provided me with negotiating skills, dealing with customers and the media.

‧ Cebit (O, O) – O, O

‧ Computex (O, O, O, O) – O, Taiwan.

‧ O International Food Fair O) – O, O.

‧ O International Food Fair (O) – O, O.

‧ Food O (O, O) – O, Taiwan

- Fluency in speech and public presentations due to my experience as lecturer.

About Myself:

Professionally, I am a leader with the initiative to organize people and arrange events. Since high school and university I arranged and organized trips, learning groups, and others. People follow me not because I have a higher position or power (which I didn’t have), but for my experience, determination and example to others.

In the personal field, I am enthusiastic about traveling and experiencing new tastes and cultures, visiting new countries and cities all around the world. I like to learn new languages, even if they are not are necessary for my work, like Japanese (I took lessons for more than 6 months at university), Korean (self-taught) and Dutch (self-taught).

I also have indoor hobbies, like playing the piano (I learned from a very young age and practice almost every day) and reading not only books (travel books, novels), but also magazines, like Business Weekly (www.O.com.tw).


  • yes123


    A well-written resume and autobiography, with only minor grammatical errors. Good explanation of work and study experience. Good, fluent use of English.
